
We already have seen that there are a lot of basic types of data in python. In this case we’ll be using strings. Strings allow us to save a series of letters or numbers, in this case the numbers won’t be treated like numbers, just as a character, so we won’t be able to perform mathematical operations with them.

To define a string we have to use quotation “” or ”.

example = “Paco”

example2 = ‘Marquez’

We can analyze this information using several python functions. To calculate the lenght we do this.

print len(example)

We can also concatenate two strings.

Concatenation = example + example2


This would print PacoMarquez.

We can also repeat a string.

Repetition = example * 2

Also we can obtain a specific character included in the string.

nombre = ‘Francisco’

print nombre[0]

That is the basic information about strings that I will give today, but I have to recognize that there are a lot of things that can be done with this type of data.

Got some nice information here: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python3/python_strings.htm